Research and Studies

Field Survey and Analysis: Survey of Affected People & Field Staff in Somalia

Affected People Survey

This report covers two surveys conducted in Somalia in the Fall of 2017. The first survey looks at the delivery of humanitarian aid in Somalia through the eyes of affected people, with focus on the quality of services, engagement, and overall progress in improving the effectiveness of humanitarian action as set out in the Grand Bargain. Data collection took place between September 28 and October 18, 2017. Phone interviews were conducted in 17 regions across Somalia’s six zones. In addition to the results of the phone survey this report presents findings from an online Facebook survey.

Field Staff Survey

This report analyses data collected from 609 humanitarian staff working in Somalia for UN agencies, international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), and local NGOs. It covers views of field staff on a range of topics linked to the performance of the humanitarian system. Data was collected using an online survey tool. Some 20 organisations participated and distributed the online survey among a convenience sample of their staff. See the section on methodology and sampling for more details.

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