This report is the evaluation of the project “Community based health development in Myanmar” implemented in 20 villages each of Natmauk and Pwintphyu townships during the period 2007 to 2012 by the Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) with multilateral support (I.e. through IFRC) from the Finnish Red Cross (FRCS). The purpose of the final evaluation is to analyze and comment on project achievement based on the delivery of project outcomes, review the process of implementation, identify significant factors facilitating or impeding implementation and recommendations for similar programmes. The evaluation also assesses the alignment with and appropriateness of, IFRC policies and guidelines and determines extent of coordination, collaboration and partnerships with other partners. The 8 key standards and criteria laid down under IFRC framework for evaluation have been followed and maintained1. Please refer to Annex for a full copy of the TOR with criteria for this evaluation.