Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Final evaluation of "Enhancing Agriculture Production through Irrigation System Improvement and Strengthening Institutional Capacity"

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Rice and potatoes are Afghanistan’s two most staple crops after wheat. Rice production is dependent on water from irrigation canals, with most of Afghanistan’s irrigation infrastructure in disrepair, farmers are vulnerable. Between 2016 and 2018, FAO in Afghanistan (FAOAF) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) rehabilitated irrigation infrastructure and laid the foundations of a virus-free potato seed industry in three provinces (Kunduz, Baghlan and Takhar). The project enhanced food production and contributed to the Government’s agricultural development and food security objectives. The evaluation recommends that future irrigation rehabilitation includes training to demonstrate improved cropping practices to help farmers build their resilience to external shocks. Training of potato farmers and enterprises involved in the industry will help determine the sustainability of the industry beyond the end of the project.

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