This evaluation of Philippine Red Cross (PRC)’s relief and recovery interventions that was part of the Typhoon Bopha Emergency Appeal operations and supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) was undertaken between 11 March and 01 April 2015 or for a total of 22 days. The evaluation team’s activities consisted of review of related literature and documents; field visits to Compostela Valley, Agusan del Sur and Davao Oriental where interviews with key informants and focus group discussions with community stakeholders were conducted; and, ocular observation of the process by which the intervention was undertaken; and, interviews of key informants; a workshop to present key evaluation findings; and, writing of the final report.
The purpose was to review the impact and analyze key areas for improvement, specifically looking at the design, implementation and sustainability elements of the programme, with more focus on shelter, livelihoods and water and sanitation, to draw conclusions and identify wider lessons for IFRC-PRC. Further, the team evaluated and determined the degree by which humanitarian objectives of the programme have been achieved; how the methodologies utilized had facilitated and contributed to the results attained; and, the organizational processes, capacities and management structures. The programme was evaluated against criteria of timeliness, relevance and appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency, coverage, coordination, connectedness of relief to recovery and the longer-term programme. The desired result of the evaluation is to provide best practices that may be replicated elsewhere and recommendations that may inform PRC, IFRC, and other Movement partners on establishing better guidelines, priorities, and plans for on-going or future operations.