The Syrian Civil War began in 2011 as part of Arab Spring protests. The conflict gradually transformed from peaceful demonstrations to an armed rebellion after months of military attacks. More than 7.6 million Syrians have been displaced, and more than 3 million Syrians have fled the country to countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and Iraq. ACF implemented the Action “Humanitarian assistance to the populations affected by the Syrian conflict in Syria and the neighbouring countries” in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan which ran from 1st October 2013 to 31st of October 2014 including a 3-month extension. The Action aimed to “contribute to save lives and provide a life with dignity to the affected populations of the Syrian Crisis” in the targeted areas.
In October 2014, using standard DAC criteria, ACF undertook an evaluation of the project to evaluate the quality, pertinence, relevance and appropriateness of the action taking into consideration the needs analysis, participation mechanisms and project design; assess ACF capacity to respond to the emergency and accomplish the proposed results; assess the impact of the response delivered as well as the lessons learnt; provide practical and realistic recommendations to improve ACF emergency response capacity; and evaluate how ACF is able to maintain its principle and mandate throughout the action implementation and increase coverage (scale, sector, outreach, support in cross line areas etc.).