During 2009-2011 ACF was implementing a water provision project to serve a population of 50,000 people, including a projected population of 24,000 in Block 11 of the Charikar City, Afghanistan. Most of the population are returnees from living in Pakistan during the Taliban regime and after. The main objective of the project was to improve living conditions and to reduce the prevalence of water-related diseases and, specifically, to provide urban dwellers in Charikar with an affordable and sustainable supply of safe drinking water. This document evaluates the programme's impacts. As part of the evaluation process, the evaluator organised several visits to the project in Charikar, the beneficiaries and other stakeholders involved with the project. General and specific recommendations have been made by the evaluator especially for the implementation of new water projects in other places. Recommendations for the project Itself, ACF WASH globally and ACF Afghanistan have been included.
Resource collections
- Evaluating humanitarian action
- Monitoring of humanitarian action
- Topics
- UN Habitat - Urban Response Collection
- Urban Response - Urban Crisis Preparedness and Risk Reduction
- Urban Response Collection - Community Engagement and Social Cohesion
- Urban Response Collection - Economic Recovery
- Urban Response Collection - Environment and Climate Change
- Urban Response Collection - Housing, Land and Property
- Urban Response Collection - Urban Crisis Response, Recovery and Reconstruction
- Urban Response Collection - Urban Resilience