Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Final Independent Evaluation of the project for 'Support to Vulnerable Persons in Communities of Nord Artibonite Department that Received Influxes of Persons Displaced in the Wake of the January 12, 2010 Earthquake'

Haiti a1sc final evaluation report eng png

A magnitude 7 earthquake which struck near Port au Prince on 12 January 2010 caused wide spread death and destruction in the nation’s capital and surrounding cities. It also caused a large-scale displacement of persons to areas not affected by the quake, particular area of origin. As a follow-up to an immediate cash for work (CFW) response in support of IDPs and host families, ACF planned and proposed a project which entailed proving food vouchers to particularly vulnerable households in association with sensitisation and training designed to improve household knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) with regard to the consumption of nutritious foods rich in important micro-nutrients as part of a varied diet. The training also sought to improve hygiene practices among family members. Finally the project sought to consolidate the organisation of local sanitation committees (CLA in French) along with their capacity to produce chlorine for use in treating water for drinking and cooking. The project was also expected to spur increased demand for fresh, local produce, which would over time spur an increase in local production to the benefit of rural dwellers/communities.

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