Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Final Internal Evaluation Of The “Tajik-Afghan Integration, Resilience And Reform Building Programme” (Tairr Programme)

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This report presents results of a final internal independent evaluation of the four-year DFID-funded TAIRR programme (Tajik-Afghan Integration, Resilience and Reform Building Programme). The programme was implemented from April 2016 to May 2020 by the Tajikistan country office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Migration Agency. It was carried out by Sarah Harris, the Regional M&E Officer based in Vienna with IOM’s Regional Office for South-Eastern, Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The evaluation was independent, as the evaluator was not involved in the design and implementation of the project. The evaluation assessed questions across five criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability), as well as questions related to gender and human rights. The purpose of the evaluation was to respond to the needs of three main evaluation users: (a) IOM senior management and partner NGOs, to assess performance and gather lessons learned; (b) IOM staff, to provide evidence and learning for future projects; and (c) the donor, DFID, to contribute to DFID’s Programme Completion Review (PCR). The evaluation focuses on the period since August 2018, when a major reprogramming was finalized, resulting in changes to activities, intended results, and overall theory of change. It also focuses more on component two (income and employment) and component three (reintegration and safe migration), with limited attention to component one (border management).

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