In line with the Grand Bargain commitment of progressing towards a ‘collaborative humanitarian multi-year planning and funding’, in 2017 UNHCR has globally launched a Multi-Year, Multi-Partner (MYMP) approach to strategic planning for protection and solutions in 22 operations. In 2018, UNHCR Ukraine joined those pilot countries and launched its own MYMP strategy. The MYMP of UNHCR Ukraine was developed through extensive consultations with a variety of partners, including other UN agencies, donors, NGOs, civil society and, most importantly, the Ukrainian authorities. UNHCR Ukraine’s MYMP period (2018 to 2022) is synchronized with the cycle of “the Government of Ukraine – United Nations Partnership Framework” in recognition of the value of pursuing a joined-up approach among humanitarian and development actors in the context of the persistent conflict affecting eastern Ukraine, as well as the goal of achieving protection and durable solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and stateless persons throughout the country.
This report presents the achievements of the MYMP in 2018, the first year of UNHCR Ukraine’s five-year strategy for engagement in Ukraine.