Research and Studies

Follow the Money: A Critical Analysis of the Implementation of the EU Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund

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The research paper ‘Follow the Money: Assessing the use of AMIF funding at the national level’ by ECRE and UNHCR, provides a thorough and critical analysis of the €3.1 billion Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund (AMIF) established by the EC for the period of 2014-20. The AMIF aims to contribute to the efficient management of migration flows and to the implementation and development of a common European approach to asylum and migration.

This research paper aims to support the 2018 mid-term review of AMIF national programming, make recommendations for the better management and use of the funds during the remainder of the funding period, and to provide input to assist the European Commission, Member States and partners to develop European asylum, migration and integration funding instruments after 2020.

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