Food Aid and Social Rehabilitation in Nepal: Evaluation report

Evaluation nepal 1008 welthungerhilfe png

In August 2008, Nepal was hit by consecutive flooding in the eastern and western regions, affecting more than 250,000 people. The floods hit when the country was already reeling from drought-led crop failures, spiralling food and fuel prices, political strikes and road blockades. Moreover, in the course of the year, an unprecedented rise in food prices seriously affected the eight million Nepalese living below or at the poverty line, expanding the numbers requiring food assistance from 1.3 million at the beginning of the year to 2.7 million by the end.

The project Food Aid and Social Rehabilitation in Nepal (FAASRIN) by Deutsche Welthungerhilfe aimed at improving food security and livelihoods of vulnerable populations, affected by floods, soaring food prices and conflicts. Assistance was focused on food for work schemes to construct/rebuild community infrastructure (mostly rural roads). Supplementary measures included seed distribution and food distribution to flood victims.

This document summarises the findings of an evaluation conducted to assess the relevance, appropriateness, connectedness and coherence of the project, its effectiveness and efficiency as well as to measure its impacts and effects. Based on these findings, a number of recommendations and conclusions are formulated.

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