Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Food Security and Livelihoods Support among Fishers and Fish Processors in Kasenyi and Tchomia Project Effectiveness Review – Full Technical Report

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Oxfam GB?s project to improve food security and enhance livelihoods in the area of Kasenyi and Tchomia in Orientale Province (DRCB12) was implemented in 2008–09 by Oxfam GB, in partnership with local staff from the Provincial Inspectorate for Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock (IPAPEL).

Oxfam GB began working in Kasenyi and Tchomia in 2003, when the area was subjected to large movements of people who had been displaced by the Congo civil war and the Ituri conflict. From 2003 to 2008, Oxfam?s work focused on water and sanitation, with dozens of wells being constructed. The project DRCB12 was launched in November 2008 with support from the United Nations DRC Pooled Fund, to improve the food security situation and provide livelihoods support to vulnerable people in the area, largely displaced people and returnees.

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