The objective of the report is to contribute to accountability and learning in the context of the provision of an independent evaluation service:
(i) Accountability is the obligation to account for (and report on) the level of implementation of the PRRO 10541.0. In this respect, the mission will report on the results achieved by the PRRO regarding the reduction of levels of moderate acute nutrition or further deterioration avoided among children and women in the country, as well as the extent to which the operation was able to enhance the Government capacity to implement its National Plan for Nutrition. Looking at the performance level of the PRRO, the mission will also report on the level of aid expenditures vis-àvis the degree of success and/or failure of the above-mentioned PRRO’s objectives as well as the achievement level of the outputs.
(ii) Learning: The mission will take advantage of this evaluation to see whether lessons can be drawn in order to be applied at the design phase of an eventual new phase of the PRRO 10541.0. These lessons should help improve future performances of the operation or facilitate the decision-making regarding the continuation or discontinuation of the assistance provided by the PRRO 10541.0. Given that PRRO 10151.0 is part of the WFP regional strategy against malnutrition, these lessons could also serve for other operations with the same objectives in the region.