Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Full Report of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the KENYA Country Programme (1999 - 2003)

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Objectives of the Kenya Country Programme Evaluation:

  1. To assess the extent to which WFP’s current development activities/projects have been influenced by the CP approach so that they constitute a recognizable CP.
  2. To assess the extent to which WFP’s systems and procedures for programme and project identification,design, budgeting, resourcing and implementation at both the headquarters and field levels have enhanced orimpeded the CP approach.
  3. To assess the extent to which the country programme approach in Kenya has been a more effective tool forpreparing WFP’s contribution in both development and relief.
  4. To determine whether the development activities37 ongoing in Kenya have been designed to make a direct contribution to the objectives of the CP.
  5. To assess the extent to which the individual WFP activities/projects represent recognized good practice in food aid (including the practices and principles recognized in the “Enabling Development” policy).
  6. To provide recommendations which can be used in the development of future Country Strategy Outlines and CPs, and to provide accountability to the Executive Board.

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