Research and Studies

Garissa County drought early warning bulletin for August 2016

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Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

The average vegetation condition index for the county is reduced from 37.9 for the previous three month to 33.68, the current average month is below the normal range of >35

The Sub counties of Dadaab, Fafi and Township are in moderate vegetation deficit condition.

Water sources currently in use are boreholes, River Tana, spring, and few water pans

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

78% of the livestock are in fair body condition and 21% in poor body condition, the category of livestock with poor body condition are mainly the lactating herd.

Milk production was recorded at 20 litres which is below the normal of 36 litres.

There was no livestock migration reported but large numbers still remain outside the county.

The terms of trade recorded for the month was 58 kg per sale of goat. The term of trade is favourable to the pastoralist.

The return distance to water sources continue to increase and recorded at 12.5 which indicated above the normal range of <5km

The MUAC levels for at risk to malnutrition slightly reduced to to18.2% which is above the threshold of <13.4%

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