Research and Studies

Garissa County smart nutrition survey report - June 2016

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Garissa County is located in the former North eastern province of Kenya and is divided into 7 sub Counties namely Garissa, Fafi, Lagdera, Ijara, Balambala, Hulugho and Dadaab. It has estimated population of 785,976 (Male 422,444; Female 363,532) with about 139,451 (Boys 73,520; Girls 65,931) children under-five years of age.

The department of health, Garissa County conducted a county-wide SMART survey from 30th May -7 th June 2016 covering all the livelihood zones.

Objectives The main objective of the survey was to determine the prevalence of malnutrition among the children aged 6- 59 months old, pregnant and lactating mothers. The specific objectives were;

1. To determine the prevalence of acute malnutrition among under five year old children, pregnant and lactating women

2. To determine the immunization coverage for measles, Oral Polio Vaccines (OPV 1 and vitamin A supplementation in children aged 6-59 months

3. To estimate coverage of iron / folic acid supplementation during pregnancy in women of reproductive age

4. To determine de-worming coverage for children aged 12 to 59 months;

5. To determine the prevalence of common illnesses;

6. To collect information on possible underlying causes of malnutrition such as household food security, water, sanitation, and hygiene practices.

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