Gender and Social Inclusion Review of Progress of Water for Women Fund and Covid-19 Response

The Water for Women (WfW) GESI mid-term review complements the recent Independent Review of the Fund completed in August 2020. The purpose is to:

Assess progress towards the achievement of end-of-program outcomes

Identify and capture learning from implementation

Better understand gaps, challenges and opportunities

Identify adjustments/improvements as necessary based on these findings for the remainder of the Fund.

Travel restrictions meant that field visits were not possible hence the review is based on extensive review of the project documents and information collected from CSO partners, interviews with key contributors, written responses from several CSO partners, and input from a virtual roundtable discussion of the findings.

Overall the review shared the positive impression of the programs Independent Review with regard to progress against End of Program Outcomes (EOPOs). The strong initial focus on GESI has been maintained by DFAT, the Fund Coordinator (FC), and the implementing partners.

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