Gender is an important driver of vulnerability to climate risks, and a key factor to consider in developing effective policy responses to climate change and development challenges. In recent years, there have been a number of efforts to support gender equality as part of responses to climate change. However, gaps remain in drawing lessons from such efforts. This is especially true when it comes to understanding how gender relations affect people’s ability to adapt in urban settings. Given the impact that climate change and extreme weather events are having on urban populations around the world, there is a clear need to provide more evidence to inform climate change and development interventions.
This report examines gender and climate change in relation to efforts to support climate compatible development, a policy goal that aims to integrate and draw synergies between adaptation, mitigation and development. The report’s focus is a case study of Kisumu, Kenya, drawing lessons from the five-year project People’s Plans into Practice (PPP): Building Productive and Liveable Settlements with Slum Dwellers in Kisumu and Kitale. Using the PPP project as a starting point, the study addressed four related questions. First, what does a gender-sensitive approach mean in Kisumu? Second, what is the evidence for how integrating gender-sensitive approaches may help to promote people’s empowerment? Third, what are the constraints and opportunities in promoting gender-sensitive approaches in interventions to support climate compatible development? Finally, the report asks whether and how gender-sensitive approaches may support climate compatible development outcomes. The report is part of a global study, with case studies in India, Kenya and Peru.
The study shows the complexities of gender relations and climate change in urban areas in Kisumu, highlighting the main lessons from the PPP project, and charting some of the key opportunities and challenges for integrating gender in interventions to support climate compatible development.