Research and Studies

GFDRR Work Plan 2018: Bringing Resilience to Scale


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This Work Plan articulates how the Facility intends to implement the Strategy 2018–2021 (Strategy) during fiscal year 2018 (FY18). By implementing its vision, GFDRR will continue to support developing countries to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

Over the past ten years, GFDRR has played a key role in making disaster risk management a development priority. Currently engaged in over 70 countries, GFDRR continues to finance technical assistance that has proven to be instrumental in mainstreaming disaster and climate risk management in development programs. In line with the Strategy, GFDRR will continue to target interventions that have the potential to bring about important policy change and enable countries to access larger resources for investments in resilience.

Under this Work Plan, GFDRR proposes to commit $80 million in new grants, and to enable in FY18 alone, at least $2.7 billion in resilience investments by targeted countries.

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