Research and Studies

Global Forum Briefing Paper 2: Good humanitarian action meets the priorities and respects the dignity of crisis-affected people

Global Forum Briefing Paper 2

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This paper looks at the obstacles to humanitarian action meeting the priorities and respecting the dignity of crisis-affected people and provides recommendations synthesised from submitted proposition papers. It is one of the briefing papers prepared for the Global Forum taking place in New York on 4-5 June 2015.

In a large-scale crisis, people may need food, safe water, health care, protection services, information or any combination of different types of support. The needs of different groups within a population also vary: girls and boys, the elderly and women and men, for example, may have unique needs. Under these circumstances, it is important that the needs and priorities of crisis-affected people be understood as they evolve and change over time, that any assistance they receive meets their needs and priorities and that it does so in such a way as to respect their dignity and humanity.

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