Research and Studies

Global Humanitarian Assistance: Non-DAC Donors: Arab Donors’ Humanitarian Aid Contributions

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We use the term ‘non-DAC’ donors to refer to all donors that do not report to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) - there are currently 24 OECD DAC members. Non-DAC donors are also referred to as ‘new’, ‘emerging’, ‘non-traditional’ and ‘non-Western’, but all these labels simplify a very complex and diverse group. Unfortunately these titles are neither ideal or accurate (including the term non-DAC) – many of these ‘donors’ do not want to be labelled as such and instead see themselves as development partners facilitating South–South cooperation.

For more detailed analysis of humanitarian aid and non-DAC donors please refer to a recent GHA report – shifting structures, changing trends.

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