Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Guidance foe Evaluating Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies

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Evaluations of humanitarian assistance operations which have been undertaken in recent years have varied enormously in terms of their approach, the available human and material resources, and management structures. The widely varying quality, scope and depth of these evaluations may be likened to a "methodological anarchy". As a consequence it has been difficult to judge the relevance and accuracy of individual studies, and the comparative analysis necessary to inform wider institutional learning has been severely hampered. Increasing the consistency and quality of evaluation methodologies would enhance the accountability function of evaluation. It would also contribute to institutionalising lessons learned and to identifying better methods of monitoring performance of humanitarian assistance operations. This Guidance is aimed at those involved in the commissioning, design and management of evaluations of humanitarian assistance programmes principally within donor organisations but is also likely to be of use to UN agencies, NGOs and other organisations involved in the provision of humanitarian assistance. It is not intended as an exhaustive guide as specialised texts are available, but to complement the existing DAC Principles on Aid Evaluation by highlighting those areas which require special attention, the nature of the activities undertaken and the multi-actor, highly interconnected system by which the international community provides humanitarian assistance.

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