Guidance and Tools

Guidance: Information management functions of an inter-agency AAP/CCE working group

Guidance PNG

This guidance document aims to articulate the role of an Information Management Officer in supporting a CCE working group (WG), and to enable a common understanding of the information management functions and needs.

This also serves to orient an AAP/CCE Coordinator as to the information management tasks that they may need to complete, in the event that an Information Management Officer (IMO) is not available or deployed. In this situation, the tasks would need to prioritised and/or remote support provided to enable the coordinator to fulfil their coordination responsibilities, in addition to the information management functions. This document was supported by funding from UNICEF.

This is guidance is a resource developed for AAP/CCE Information Management Officers, CCE practitioners and decision-makers requesting AAP/CCE surge support (as an advocacy tool around the need to deploy IMOs to support the CCE Coordinator).

In addition, the guidance aims to enable global CCE leadership to develop a common understanding of information management needs. Potentially this could form the basis of working towards a more predictable and consistent inter-agency approach to the way information from affected communities is collected, protected, stored, analysed and shared.

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