Guidance and Tools

Guidelines for Referral Health Care in Lebanon: Standard Operating Procedures (Updated June 2018)

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Since the onset of the civil war in Syria, people have fled to neighboring countries. By April 2018, there were just under 1 million Syrian refugees and approximately 20,000 refugees of other nationalities registered with UNHCR in Lebanon. Refugees are living predominantly in urban settings. UNHCR’s role is to facilitate and advocate for access to its persons of concern through existing services and health service providers and to monitor access to health care services. While the primary health care strategy is the core of all interventions; referral care is an essential part of access to comprehensive health services (UNHCR Public Health Operational Guidance, 2013).

These standard operating procedures (SOPs) outline the policy and procedures for referral care applicable to all UNHCR recognized refugees and persons of concern in Lebanon.

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