Guidance and Tools

Guidelines on the Integration of Child Protection issues into Multi-sectorial & other Humanitarian Assessments

Guidelines on integration of cp into multi sectorial assessments 03 2015 png

The Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) is the global level forum for coordination on child protection in humanitarian settings. The group brings together NGOs, UN agencies, academics and others under the shared objective of ensuring more predictable, accountable and effective child protection responses in emergencies. In the humanitarian system, the Child Protection Working Group constitutes ‘an area of responsibility’ within the Global Protection Cluster. All the organizations within the CPWG are committed to work towards the attainment of humanitarian assessments that are better coordinated and allow the collection of cross-sectorial key information in a timely manner. We want to encourage the harmonization of assessment methodologies and approaches to ensure the complementarity of assessment efforts carried out during emergency responses. With this goal in mind, the CPWG members have collaborated in developing the Guidelines on the Integration of Child Protection Issues into Multi-sectorial and other Humanitarian Assessments. These Guidelines have been developed after an extensive review of existing inter-agency and cluster specific humanitarian assessment tools and methodologies, evaluations conducted, and lessons learned identified. Additionally, interviews were conducted with key informants and a survey was circulated to Child Protection field practitioners and information management professionals.

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