Habitat III Issue Papers - 13: Jobs and Livelihoods

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Cities and towns will be unsustainable if their residents do not have productive, decent jobs to support their lives. There are many challenges related to employment creation and improvement of employment conditions. While such themes are very broad, this paper limits its focus to key information that will help improve the understanding of the status and existing challenges in urban areas with some recommendations for local action. It is beyond the scope of the paper to address in depth all facets of jobs and livelihoods.

This issue paper on "Jobs and Livelihoods" is part of a series of thematic reports offering a comprehensive, expert-level view of the processes of urbanisation that characterise today’s century of cities — and look forward to what could and should come next. The 22 “issue papers” were submitted by a range of multilateral institutions. They will ultimately be used to guide discussion by 10 formal “policy units”, which will focus on the six thematic issues deemed important for the Habitat III process. Made up of independent experts, these units touch on housing, resilience, equity and other issues. Eventually, they will each provide formal input regarding the crafting and, especially, implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

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