Haiti Earthquake Agricultural Cluster Strategy


The agricultural cluster strategy in the aftermath of the earthquake is a living document, prepared, shared and discussed by the cluster member Organizations in order to guide in a participatory manner the work of the cluster.

The cluster’s primary aim is, in coordination with the Government, to support the food production and job creation of the people of Haiti after the 12th January earthquake that devastated Port au Prince, Jacmel, Leougane and the rural areas in the surroundings and between these cities.

With strong interconnections between the rural and urban areas, the earthquake’s destruction in important urban centres has rapidly transmitted in a radial manner to rural areas. The earthquake effects could be classified into two different broad categories:

• Direct effects through the destruction of houses, death of relatives, destruction of job places

• Indirect or spill over effects.

The normalization of the Haitians’ life, will largely depend to a large extend on the ability to restore destroyed livelihoods, food production and income opportunities.

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