Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Harnessing the Power of Evaluation- Self assessment questionnaire

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This questionnaire is designed to explore issues that may influence the impact and utilisation of evaluations within your organisation. The aim is that this questionnaire becomes a useful tool for highlighting where changes can then be made. In its current form, the questionnaire is very much a draft. It was first used prior to the ALNAP workshop on Strengthening Organisational Capacities for Evaluation of Humanitarian Action which was held in London on September 28th 2010. Aggregated questionnaire responses of the participants was presented and discussed. Some found the questionnaire very useful, and asked for it to be further developed as a self-assessment tool.

The current version is a slimmed-down and more focused version of the first questionnaire. A series of mini-workshops will be held over the summer and autumn of 2011 to continue the work started at the September workshop. These mini workshops will further discuss the usefulness of the questionnaire, and how it can be improved as both a tool for self-assessment and for peer assessment of other agencies.

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