Research and Studies

Hasakeh Governorate Multi-Sector Needs Assessment 2016 - Syria

Syr report hasakeh hh msna august 2016 0 png

Assessing the population remaining inside Syria is typically challenging due to ongoing conflict, and the lack of detailed information on needs and vulnerabilities of people inside the country often impedes a well-planned humanitarian response. Hasakeh governorate, located in the north-eastern corner of the country, provides an illustration of this: access challenges and the volatile situation in parts of the governorate has resulted in limited data collection efforts. In particular, there is a lack of household-level information on long-term effects of the sustained crisis on populations that have not left the area. In light of this, REACH conducted between May and June 2016 a multi-sectorial needs assessment of six sub-districts within Hasakeh governorate (Ras al Ain, Amuda, Darbasiyah, Hasakeh, Quamishli and Tal Tamer), aiming to develop understanding of the humanitarian situation in these areas.

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