Research and Studies

“He who did wrong should be accountable” - Syrian Perspectives on Transitional Justice

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o better understand opinions and perceptions — and highlight Syrian voices — the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) commissioned Charney Research to conduct in-depth interviews among a diverse group of Syrians, including Sunnis, Shia, Alawites, and Christians; regime supporters and opponents; and internally displaced persons and refugees. Researchers found that awareness of the potential transitional justice options is low, but interest in solutions that might stop the fighting, establish the rule of law, and offer accountability is quite strong. Syrians yearn to end their war and live together again as one community and nation. Charney concluded that efforts to increase awareness and promote discussion about transitional justice options have the potential to appeal to all Syrians, and may help bridge the enormous split between the government and opposition blocs — and toward resolution of the conflict.

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