This report presents the findings of the high-level evaluation ILO’s research and knowledge management strategies and approaches (RS&KM)1 during 2010–18 conducted by the ILO’s Evaluation Office (EVAL) in 2020. The evaluation was undertaken using internationally accepted evaluation criteria covering relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. Data derived using various methods (desk reviews, synthesis reviews of related project evaluations, interviews, surveys and case studies) were triangulated to ensure consistency and reliability.2 While preparatory work had started before the COVID-19 pandemic, the greater part of the evaluation process had to be undertaken when countries had already imposed lockdowns and travel restrictions. This affected the evaluation process and required adapted methods.3 Interviews were conducted via videoconferencing and by telephone. This may have somewhat limited the possibility of validating results reported by the Office on the ground but was compensated for by using multiple sources of evidence.