Research and Studies

Humanigtarian Exchange 24: Accountability

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Humanitarian accountability

2 Accountability: the three-lane


4 Putting the ‘H’ back into

humanitarian accountability

7 The accountability of states

in humanitarian response

9 Good Humanitarian Donorship:

a mouse or a lion?

13 West Africa scandal points to

need for humanitarian watchdog

16 Accountability and

humanitarian actors:

speculations and questions

Practice and policy notes

19 Meeting humanitarian need in

post-conflict environments

21 Microfinance in war-affected

countries: challenging the myths

25 Rebuilding health services after

conflict: lessons from East Timor

and Afghanistan

28 Public Expenditure Management

and humanitarian response

31 Geographic information systems in

food security and demining


33 The road to good donorship: the

UK’s humanitarian assistance


37 Some thoughts on the conflict in


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