Research and Studies

Humanitarian Assistance from Non-state Donors

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Embargoed 14 05 15 0001hrs private funding 2015 may2015 png

At a time of unprecedented crises, humanitarians are increasingly focusing on the role of private actors to help respond to growing needs: according to the latest data, private humanitarian assistance has reached $5.4 billion – a quarter of total international humanitarian response. However, private donations are often underreported and difficult to track. This report, produced by the Global Humanitarian Assistance (GHA) programme of Development Initiatives, aims to shed light on the role of private finance and shows that it plays a significant role in humanitarian response and works in a different way to government funding – providing greater flexibility for humanitarian agencies to choose how, where and when it is spent.

The report also looks beyond cash donations to explore a range of innovative new approaches to humanitarian donorship. Private companies and corporations are taking a more ‘partnership’ approach by providing a range of skills and resources ranging from legal tools for domestic governments following natural disasters to electronic systems that facilitate fairer and quicker distribution of provisions in refugee camps.

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