The situation of insecurity and acts of armed violence against the civilian population in the department of Meta have worsened, situations that have had a negative impact on the way of life of the communities of the municipalities of La Macarena, Vistahermosa, Puerto Gaitán, Barranca de Upía , Uribe, Granada, Mesetas, Villavicencio and Puerto Concordia. It should be noted that during the first half of 2021 there were 66 cases of homicide, two cases of torture and one massacre that occurred in rural areas with the presence of non-state armed groups (GANE).
The situation of vulnerability of the Jiw and Sikuani indigenous communities that live in the municipalities of Puerto Gaitán, Puerto Rico, Puerto Concordia and Mapiripán is of concern, due to the intersectoral needs that they present due to the limited access to the territory and the lack of institutional presence and support such as due to acts of armed violence that occur (threats of land dispossession, intimidation and sexual violence against children and adolescents () by organized criminal groups (GDO), organized armed groups (GAO), and groups that generate violence ( GGV), which operate in the area.