Humanitarianism in Afghanistan and Pakistan
2 Humanitarian action in Afghanistan: an uphill struggle
4 Civilian casualties in Afghanistan: evidence-based advocacy and enhanced protection
6 Southern Afghanistan: acceptance still works
9 Securing access through acceptance in Afghanistan and Pakistan
11 Civil–military principles in the Pakistan flood response
14 ‘We don’t trust that’: politicised assistance in north-west Pakistan
16 Military–humanitarian relations in Pakistan
Practice and policy notes
19 Unconditional cash transfers: giving choice to people in need
22 In-kind donations: who benefits?
24 Strength in numbers: catching up on a decade of NGO coordination
26 Coordinating the earthquake response: lessons from Leogane, western Haiti
29 The ethical procurement of air cargo services
31 Investing in communities: a cost–benefit analysis of building resilience for food security in Malawi
36 Older people and humanitarian financing