Research and Studies

Humanitarian Exchange 56: Special Feature - Civil–Military Coordination

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Civil–military coordination 3 Civil–military coordination: the state of the debate 5 Civil–military relations and the US armed forces 8 The CIMIC Centre of Excellence: improving cross-organisational perspectives on civil–military interaction 10 Testing the cultural boundaries of the British military 12 Building consensus within the humanitarian community: lessons learned from the revision process for the IASC guidelines on the use of military and armed escorts 15 Working it out on the ground: coordination between UNAMID Police and humanitarian actors 17 Humanitarian civil–military coordination in the occupied Palestinian territory 20 Towards more effective civil–military information-sharing in stabilisation contexts 23 Talking tactics: Kismayo, Somalia

Practice and policy notes 25 ‘Remote management’ in Somalia 27 The economics of early response and disaster resilience: lessons from Kenya 31 Partnering in emergencies: lessons from ACF-USA’s experience in Pakistan and Kenya 33 National NGOs and the cluster approach: the ‘authority of format’

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