Research and Studies

Humanitarian Exchange 57: Special Feature - South Sudan at a Crossroads

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South Sudan at a crossroads 3 South Sudan’s greatest humanitarian challenge: development 5 Humanitarian access in South Sudan 8 Changing livelihoods in South Sudan 12 Pastoralism in the new borderlands: a humanitarian livelihoods crisis 14 Drivers of conflict in Jonglei State 17 Have we lost the ability to respond to refugee crises? The Maban response 20 Using GIS as a planning and coordination tool in refugee camps in South Sudan 24 Lessons on transition in South Sudan 27 Double dividends? Exploring how Tearfund’s water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in South Sudan can contribute to peace- and state-building 30 Comparing the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of food and cash for work interventions: lessons from South Sudan 33 Maintaining NGO space in South Sudan: the importance of independent NGO coordination in complex operating environments

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