Research and Studies

Humanitarian Exchange 58: Special Feature - Humanitarian Negotiations

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Humanitarian negotiations 3 Preserving the integrity of humanitarian negotiations 6 Rebels with a cause? The role of armed non- state actors in the protection of civilians 9 Engaging armed non-state actors on humanitarian norms: reflections on Geneva Call’s experience 12 Taliban policy and perceptions towards aid agencies in Afghanistan 15 Humanitarian negotiations in Afghanistan: WFP’s experience 17 Negotiating humanitarian access with Hamas in Gaza 20 The disappearance of cross-line aid in Darfur, Sudan 23 Counter-terrorism and humanitarian action

Practice and policy notes 26 Dunant’s dream, 150 years on: a sober celebration? 28 The promise and perils of ‘disaster drones’ 30 Humanitarian action in urban areas: five lessons from British Red Cross programmes 33 Gender impact analysis: unconditional cash transfers in South Central Somalia 35 Understanding trade and markets in a protracted conflict: the case of Darfur 38 Changing approaches to post-disaster shelter

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