Humanitarian Quality Assurance: Lebanon

Evaluation of Syria Crisis Response

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Since its start-up in July 2012, Oxfam GB’s intervention in aid of Syrian refugees in Lebanon has included the following components: distributions of non-food winterisation items (blankets, mattresses and pillows); distributions of hygiene kits and hygiene promotion; distributions of vouchers for food, clothing and hygiene kits; cash transfers for rent payments; installation and repair of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) facilities in camps and host communities; information dissemination, advice and referrals on protection issues; advocacy on access to humanitarian assistance and protection, adequate donor funding, and a political solution to the crisis.

To date, Oxfam affiliates’ actions have reached 120,000 beneficiaries in South, North and East Lebanon, and Beirut. This evaluation assesses Oxfam GB's Lebanon response activities carried out between July 2012 and November 2013.

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