This independent final evaluation was carried out in Pakistan between 11/04/2016 – 26/05/2016, and was funded by ECHO. The project aims to reduce morbidity and mortality of displacement affected populations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by mitigating and preventing the immediate causes of under-nutrition as well as treating cases of acute under-nutrition among the displacement affected. The project was implemented within the sectors Nutrition, WASH, Food security and Livelihood, and Rapid Response Interventions. Some recommendations include:
- The focus on Food Security and Livelihood programming may be increased from being Conditional Cash Grant and Cash for Work-centric to include a component of livelihoods and economic empowerment of displaced families using the evidence based 360 degree Business Development Services approach.
- The coordination mechanism between the Country Office and Field Offices may be strengthened through periodic and structured coordination/review meetings.
- Security Awareness Trainings, stringent implementation and monitoring of field security protocols be undertaken to mitigate unwanted eventualities.