Independent Final Evaluation
This external final evaluation was carried out in Pakistan between 13/08/2017-13/09/2017. The evaluation was funded by ECHO as well as incorporated a smaller WASH project funded by Sida. The objective of the project was to provide humanitarian support to Internally Displaced Persons in the provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh, by addressing underlying causes of undernutrition. The project also focuses on malnourished children, Pregnant and Lactating Women and their families, by adopting a comprehensive integrated programming which focuses on Nutrition, Water Sanitation and Hygiene and Food Security and Livelihoods interventions. Some recommendations include:
- Action Against Hunger should strive to create more synergies in the project, both on a sectoral and thematic level.
- Keeping in view needs on the ground amongst the vulnerable groups, evaluation team would recommend increasing scale of the Conditional Cash Grants for the vulnerable individuals in the communities.
- Evaluation team would recommend all water sources should be marked mentioned quality of the water and the purpose for which it can be used. This will help communities to distinguish between safe drinking water and other water sources to use for other activities.