Guidance and Tools

Humanitarian Systemic Learning Framework Toolkit

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The Humanitarian Strategic Learning Framework was developed by Ben Ramalingam for ALNAP, drawing on the multi-level perspective (MLP) of scholar Frank Geels.

  • It can be used proactively or retrospectively for analysing change processes in the humanitarian sector.
  • It specifically takes into account the impact of crises on the existing humanitarian sector.
  • It explores how change plays out at the overall landscape, the sector itself and the niches of the sector.
  • It enables analysis of how changes at these levels interact and reinforce or dampen change at other level.
  • It can be used by leaders, policy makers and researchers seeking to better understand past change processes – successful or otherwise.
  • It can also inform strategic analysis of ongoing or hoped-for changes.

Frank Geels' MLP consists of:

  • Landscape, which represents the wider environment – both humanitarian and wider socio-political and economic contextual trends, drivers and factors.
  • Socio-technical regimes, which entails the specific configuration of funding, policies, technologies, processes, cultures and skills that underpin dominant patterns of behaviour and action.

Niches, which can be described as the emerging efforts where new niche activities gives rise to novel innovations, operating models and communities.

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