Research and Studies

I Saw My City Die: Voices From the Front Lines of Urban Conflict in Iraq, Syria and Yemen

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As the world urbanises, so too does its conflicts; city centers and residential areas are being turned into battlefields and frontlines.

In an attempt to shed light on the devastating human toll of this type of conflict The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has released a special report: 'I saw my city die: voices from the front lines of urban conflict in Iraq, Syria and Yemen'.

The report which includes an immersive microsite examines the effects on civilians caught up in these conflicts through their first-hand accounts.

And the findings are disturbing.

The three conflicts in the report - Iraq, Syria and Yemen - account for around half of all conflict-related casualties worldwide between 2010 and 2015.

Some 17.5 million people have fled their homes, creating the largest global refugee and migration crisis since World War II. 11.5 million people - more than three people per minute - have fled their homes in Syria alone, since the start of the war.

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