The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Strategy 2030 calls for an urgent shift of leadership and decision-making to the most local level – placing local communities at the very centre of change so that our actions are effective, inclusive, and sustainable. Achieving this will require the IFRC Secretariat and National Societies to adopt a more systematic, consistent, and high-quality approach to how we engage with and are accountable to communities. This strategy sets out the key actions to achieve this over the next three years and ensure we meet the Movement-wide Commitments for Community Engagement and Accountability adopted at the 2019 Council of Delegates. It builds on the good practices already enabling stronger community engagement, while addressing the barriers and gaps preventing progress. The strategy focuses on key priorities for the IFRC Secretariat, which are aimed at supporting and accelerating the efforts of the wider IFRC network and member National Societies. The strategy was developed using existing research, evidence, reports, and plans.