Improving and Consolidating Nutrition, Income, Water Supply & Sanitation in the Northwest of Liberia

The program region is situated in the Northwest of Liberia covering as implementation zone the two counties of Bomi (Klay and Senjeh District) and Gbarpolu (Gbarma and Bopolu District). The majority of the counties consist of forest. Mining was the primary economic activity prior to the Liberian Civil War, in addition to subsistence farming. As result of the civil war, the Social, Economic, Political, Health and Education Sectors of the county is heavily affected. Most parts of the county are inaccessible due to lack of roads. Cash crops production is low and basic food crops include rice, cassava and vegetables.

The agricultural activities are people's main concern, but food is still scarce. There a great need to support farming in order to improve the food security. Farm households need support to diversify their food crop production, multiply their seeds and improve post-harvest crop processing and storage.

The access to safe drinking water is very poor. The majority of inhabitants depend solely on creeks for drinking and household use, and are therefore susceptible to waterborne diseases. The sanitary condition is equally desperate, as there are few proper latrine facilities in most communities. The project assisted the villagers with hygiene awareness campaigns and with hand-pumps, wells and latrines.

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