Research and Studies

In safety and dignity: addressing large movements of refugees and migrants

Report of the secretary general addressing large movements of refugees and migrants may 2016 png

The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly decision 70/539 and provides background and recommendations in preparation for the high-level plenary meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants, to be held on 19 September 2016. It is structured in five sections, beginning with a global overview of trends, an analysis of the causes of large movements of refugees and migrants and a discussion of their particular needs en route and upon arrival. Following a short review of related recent initiatives, there is a call for new global commitments to address large movements of refugees and migrants, commencing with recommendations to ensure at all times the human rights, safety and dignity of refugees and migrants, including on addressing the causes of such movements, protecting those who are compelled to undertake such journeys, and preventing the discrimination and countering the xenophobia they frequently encounter. A more predictable and equitable way of responding to large movements of refugees is called for through the adoption of a global compact on responsibility-sharing for refugees, and the elements of a comprehensive response plan for refugees are set out. Lastly, a call is made in the report for strengthening the global governance of migration through the development of a global compact for safe, regular and orderly migration, in a process to be initiated now and realized in the coming years.

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