Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Independent Evaluation of the Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) Appeal for Eastern Africa

ADH plans an evaluation in order to serve the purpose of learning for improving the design and management of future projects and to demonstrate accountability to donors and beneficiaries.

The evaluation will examine the member organisations food aid projects' goals in Kenya in relation to project outcomes, as well as the LRRD (linking relief, rehabilitation and development) approach in terms of sustainability of the emergency projects.

The main aspects to be addressed in the evaluation are:

  • Efficiency: assess how inputs have been converted to outputs (qualitative and quantitative), with a main focus on food aid, and comparing different approaches; estimate the cost to supply approximately 2100 kcal/person/day
  • Effectiveness: assess the extent to which the project objectives were achieved with a special focus on the monitoring and evaluations methods (i.e. assessments, monitoring, surveillance) used in the different partner organisations; this should include a review in which way appropriate M&E tools were used in the implementation and running of the programmes
  • Connectedness: asses if and in which way the LRRD approach was already taken into account in the emergency phase of the Kenyan projects; evaluate the probable launch of LRRD projects as result of the emergency projects in terms of sustainability; is there evidence of a transition from relief/rehabilitatio/development in the projects; are exit strategies existing

The evaluation should review the effectiveness, efficiency and connectedness of ADH member organisations food aid programmes in Kenya, in order to identify gaps and to provide recommendations for further improvement of these programmes.

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