Research and Studies

Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies GIFA/ENN Project

Concern responded to the influx of 250,000 refugees from the Rakhine state in Myanmar and have been providing health and nutrition services in the camps since 1992. Today only one camp is managed by Concern – approximately 8,500 refugees reside. MSF-H manage the second camp in Nayapara (approximately 11,500 refugees).

Concern Bangladesh is managing a TFC and SFP for approximately 8,500 Rohingya refugees (Myanmar) located in south-eastern Bangladesh. The refugee population has been in Bangladesh since 1992. Concern also conducts regular surveillance of the nutrition status of under fives (currently MUAC), and provides centre based supplementary feeding for moderately malnourished under fives, pregnant and lactating women (up to 6 months post partum).

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