Research and Studies

Informing targeted host community programming in Lebanon

Secondary data review

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This secondary data review report was conducted during the inception phase of an assessment carried out by REACH Initiative in partnership with the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in 2014. This larger study aims to inform host community programming in Lebanon through the participatory identification of vulnerabilities and factors that undermine community resilience and social cohesion. In terms of information management, this assessment hopes to fill a major information gap in regards to community vulnerabilities as they pertain to refugee and host community populations.

This report provides a review of secondary data and information available on the social, economic and political impact of the refugee influx on host communities with a specific focus on the principal vectors of tension within these communities in the context of the Syria crisis. This review draws on findings from studies conducted by UN agencies, international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and national and international think tanks; articles published in the Lebanese and international media; and interviews conducted with national and international NGO practitioners in Lebanon. Additionally, a rapid stakeholder analysis contributes primary data from humanitarian organisations active in country. The data gives a comprehensive picture of the humanitarian interventions to date across Lebanon, targeting both refugees and host communities.

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