Research and Studies

Integrating Cash Transfers to COVID-19 Responses: Myanmar Red Cross Society

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This short factsheet and case study summarises the work of the Myanmar Red Cross in using cash transfers as part of its COVID-19 responses activities.

Since March 2020, a total of MMK 193,514,600 (CHF 133,458) has been transferred to communities in central Rakhine through cash transfers via its multi-year resilience program to address the increasing humanitarian needs in Rakhine compounded byCOVID-19. The Community Resilience Program (CRP) is a multi-year resilience program implemented by Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) with the support of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The program integrated COVID-19 activities from March 2020 to support community-led actions for prevention and mitigation of socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 in central Rakhine.

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